Why they work…

The design of the Met-Co-Tips comes directly from the research of Dr. Sighard Hoerner, Ph.D., a prominent aeronautical engineer involved in designing a high performance wing tip for use on Navy fighter planes. His technical data and conclusions were compiled at Wright-Paterson Field and published in USAF Technical Report #5752. Met-Co-Aire applied his work to civilian aircraft.


Dr. Hoerner showed that the efficiency of a wing tip depends on six critical areas. His findings were:

1. The tip must be as thin as possible but still maintain a round leading edge.

2. A blending of wing top and bottom surfaces along a straight line.

3. The edge formed at this blend to be as thin as possible.

4. Obtain a sharp trailing edge leading to a corner, this corner to be in a straight a line as possible with the entire wing trailing edge.

5. The top of the tip to remain in a level plane with the top of the wing.

6. The bottom plane to be brought up in a convex curve.

The primary reasons for this design are as follows: A square wing tip gives the greatest wing area for the least span. A smoothly finished, thin, leading edge provides for the best possible airflow over the tip. The convex underside accelerates the speed of the air passing under the tip to a velocity more equal to that of the air flowing over the top of the tip, thereby creating streamline flow. This flow reduces turbulence, which markedly decreases the size and intensity of tip vortices. By having a deep, straight trailing edge we are moving the point at which the vortex begins away from and behind the main surface of the wing, which means less drag and better control. By keeping the outermost point of the wing in a level plane with the wing top surface, we effectively increase wing dihedral angles. (Gain lateral stability from free gay webcams .)


Quite simply, your wing has a finite length, that is, it has ends (tips). The air flowing under the wing will seek the region of low pressure above the wing by “spilling over” these ends. This spillage creates vortices or regions of turbulence which roll inboard and backward at the tips. The vortices absorb energy and increase drag, also since they roll directly over the ailerons they hamper stability and handling. From elementary physics we know if we can reduce the magnitude of these vortices, the plane will have more energy available to pull itself through the air. Also, if we redirect the position of the vortices away from the ailerons we will gain stability and control. This is exactly what we have done with Met-Co-Tips!

As you can see from the pictures on our web site, Met-Co-Tips meet all the design criteria of the Hoerner report.


The final test of any design is how well it performs on the aircraft. In light of the figures below, it can be seen that Met-Co, Hoerner design wing tips will definitely add to the performance of your aircraft. Met-Co-Tips will:

• Increase range 1-2% at no additional fuel cost!
• Increase rate of climb by 60 feet per minute!
• Increase cruising speed by 3-5 mph!
• Reduce distance required for take off, resulting in a 10-20% quicker take off!
• 4-5 mph lower stall speed with more positive aileron control!
• Increase the overall stability of the aircraft!
• Improved appearance with a more aerodynamic profile!

The Hoerner design, agreed to be the best wing tip design available.


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